1. Rover power does not drain fast enough and its oxygen drains too quickly. 2. consider an vacuum pump station on the back wall of the rover cabin that the player can use to recover the internal atmosphere prior to opening the door. 3. player's oxygen drains too slowly. 4. consider informing player of electrical load center limitations of the modules so that they don't blow fuses - but its not too bad once you figure it out. 5. Power management is much better than it was about a year ago. However, it would be nice to know that the order of plug is also a order of supply priority. This is not common in real life and was confusing. Also, please restore the ability to drain power from batteries in parallel without priority. If I have two or more batteries connected to the transformer they should be draining at the same rate unless there is some sort of ratio or priority setting in the transformer that overrides this. 6. Need more plant varity. 7. Cabbage looks like one plant but has more than one yield. 8. Allow for keeping vehicle lights on even when player walks away - perhaps allow for remote control of lights. Add light switches to the modules. 9. Give me a digger or tunnel boring machine. It would be awesome if I was able to tunnel or build pyramids and or be able to build my own stone domes I could live in or other structures.