Emotion | Description | Screenshot | Fps | Created At | |
Vehicle control is still very rudimentary. Not being able to control the ATV or Motorcycle while airborn is quite annoying. | 15.00 | 2024-09-02 19:07:06 | |||
Pierwszy sen po wylądowaniu. Nie mogłem wskazać/wybrać czasu, gdyż postać sama położyła się i zasnęła. Sen 8h. | 48.01 | 2024-09-02 17:50:37 | |||
Lewy dolny róg HUD "Tlen na zewnątrz" ze strzałkami w prawo. Pełny pasek. Świetnie, na Marsie jest tlen :) | 72.03 | 2024-09-02 17:43:20 | |||
Przy probie przejścia korytarzem (po pierwszej odprawie) wciaż w ręku pojawia mi się wąż do wody/tlenu/metanu. Po anulowaniu i zabraniu go, idę dalej i znowu mam wąż w ręku - rzucam go, zabieram, idę dalej i znowu wąż w ręku. Nie wciaska żadnego klawisza (2) ani innego. Samoistnie w ręku pojawia się wąż. Jeden raz pojawił się przewód elektryczny. | 72.05 | 2024-09-02 17:41:35 | |||
This game is really exhilarating. I find the daytimes never long enough to complete what i would like and that adds to the suspense and management of my time. Cant wait to see what else is added. i'm fairly new and have not yet got too far into the gameplay. The environmental factors are great too and i love watching the storms unfold. Keep up the good work. :-) *side note. i started a sandbox recently as i had a glitch on the main campaign section that would not allow me to finish the objectives. i had already done it once in a previous playthrough so i ended up giving up and doing sanbox which is running great. its only happened the once with the save file but i had to delete the entire save and start a fresh. at least it was not mid/late game this happened. it was the questline, glitched out. wouldnt let me finish the robot. | 59.97 | 2024-09-02 15:11:11 | |||
cannot sit in veichle | 119.70 | 2024-09-02 12:56:07 | |||
stuck | 119.87 | 2024-09-02 12:55:24 | |||
Not sure if I am imagining it, but it seems like with a hand drill and just carrying the minerals in my inventory I can actually mine MUCH faster by hand, than a large mining rig and a heavy rover? In about an hour I got almost a thousand units of silicon mining by hand, and the miner got 200 in the same amount of time... | 83.94 | 2024-09-01 23:16:44 | |||
Clipping view problem in garage when using external view of the heavy rover. View is from outside the garage and is hard to use since you can no longer see the rover while it is in the garage. This eliminates what would be a useful tool for manuevering in the garage. | 90.00 | 2024-09-01 22:48:25 | |||
In the garage, if you park vehicles in the area where the gantry crane drops the container and the tipper it will drop them right on top of the vehicles. There should be a painted off area on the floor indicating that nothing can be there (even dropped items) for the gantry crane to operate. | 89.92 | 2024-09-01 22:42:46 | |||
Probably already in the works, but opening cabinets in the rooms should all open a storage window like the containers for placing items :) | 90.00 | 2024-09-01 21:12:15 | |||
a stone hangs in the air | 90.00 | 2024-09-01 20:17:57 | |||
At some Resupply Drops there are no Containers . . . . | 30.02 | 2024-09-01 17:15:44 | |||
In the tablet map, the list of markers does not continue to scroll thru all the choices unless you close the list and then reopen it; The list scrolls for a bit, then gets stuck, in order to continue scrolling and seeing the rest of the items in the list you have to temporarily close the list on the map and then immediately reopen it and then the list scrolls a bit further almost like it has to close in order to free up memory for the next items to be listed. | 90.00 | 2024-09-01 17:00:58 | |||
sehr schön | 29.99 | 2024-09-01 10:22:41 | |||
Mam wrażenie, że naprawiacie indywidualnie każde konto gracza. Wczoraj (w grze) nie miałem znacznika czerwonego, którym oznaczyłem trzecią bazę. Po przebudzeniu i zapisie "nagle" pojawił się znacznik. Jeśli to wasze działanie, to jestem wdzięczny. Dodajcie jeszcze 4 kolory, jak było w poprzednich wersjach gry. Czasami przydaje się oznaczać do nawigacji kilka rud do wydobycia lub zniszczonych baz do rozebrania a ekwipunek ma określoną pojemność. Nie wszędzie też jedziemy łazikiem z kontenerem. | 46.57 | 2024-09-01 08:50:29 | |||
PŁYTKA DO NAPRAWY ZNIKNĘŁA | 47.56 | 2024-09-01 08:48:50 | |||
Naprawa urządzeń lekko uszkodzonych powinna zajmować mniej czasu niż całkowicie niezdatnych do użycia. % (procentowo) zależnie ile brakuje do 100% - czas konserwacji lub naprawy o tyle krótszy niż całkowicie niezdatne do użycia. | 49.29 | 2024-09-01 08:42:22 | |||
Mann kann die nichr raus holen muss erst das spiel neu starten dann geht es bitte beheben danke | 60.04 | 2024-09-01 07:51:59 | |||
o jogo é muito bom, mas seria melhor se estivece mais vidas para te ajudar. e seria bom se pudessemos voltar pra terra e fazer missoes na terra tambem | 47.14 | 2024-09-01 04:04:45 |