Emotion | Description | Screenshot | Fps | Created At | |
In Greenhouse - not able to place a worktable of any kind (at the place where usually we find it in ruins) | 58.90 | 2023-09-11 14:36:59 | |||
NO PUEDOAGREGAR BOTELLASAL ROVER | 19.93 | 2023-09-11 14:23:11 | |||
The game ist totally frozen when I entered the rover. | 56.17 | 2023-09-11 14:10:42 | |||
The Medium Circuit Board in the Starter Survival Capsule respawns every time I load a Save Game. | 54.76 | 2023-09-11 13:47:35 | |||
Invisible buildings are still a huge issue. Nothing like traveling and of course you cannot see a map while driving, but hitting nothing visible in the game and being launched into the air. After it is all over, getting out of the vehicle and checking the map to see that a POI building use to be there. | 48.71 | 2023-09-11 12:55:14 | |||
Po aktualizacji pojawily sie magiczne ziemniaki, ktore rosna natychmiast i maja absurdalnie wysokie parametry | 94.65 | 2023-09-11 12:53:29 | |||
Rover Drill sound is on when switching to it. It doesn't stop until you have drilled something and stopped drilling. The drill sound should not be active until I start drilling, not when it is switched to. | 54.76 | 2023-09-11 12:15:34 | |||
hello. I went on top of Big Crusher rode the Heavy rover. Big Crusher was offline at the time, so I got off the Heavy rover. I died. I was wearing a helmet. of course. sad... | 0 | 2023-09-11 12:10:28 | |||
The resource rocks that are not falling with gravity. I have paid closer attention to them and I noticed that when the rocks are first released they seem to fall with gravity, but if they land on the parent rock, gravity checking stops. When I continue to dill the parent rock, those previously released rocks that fell are not checking for gravity again and thus are not falling, which leaves them floating in the air. I hope that is better information on this bug, to help you track it down and squash it. Flaoting rocks are extremely hard to get and I have to rely on the green crosshair of the rover arm tool to know where to work because visually they are not easily targeted. | 50.58 | 2023-09-11 12:07:56 | |||
Like the new air and water bottles. | 60.34 | 2023-09-11 11:58:05 | |||
tried to repair a tool in the workbench. The repair progressbar ran through, but the tool disappears. there is no message or warning or any other feedback. afterwards you cannot use the workbench until loading the game. you can then move a tool inside the repair window, but you cannot start repair any more. thanks a lot if you can debug that soon - would appreciate very much. Maybe it is a known issue.. i already tried on several PCs on several days, this time with nvidia geforce now, so it does not seem to be some kind of hardware issue on my side. kind regards, Fergrom :) | 60.07 | 2023-09-11 10:26:22 | |||
Некоторые куски руды после рассверливания пустой породы не падают вниз, а зависают в воздухе. | 60.00 | 2023-09-11 10:05:18 | |||
0.135.3. The tank explodes, and there is no damage. It doesn't hurt, it just pushes you a few meters and lifts you off the ground. But there is no damage. It would be good damage to the helmet. Regards. | 82.44 | 2023-09-11 07:53:01 | |||
0.135.3. Pumping Station Bug. I thought the issue from a few versions ago was resolved, but it's still not fixed. When I destroy the pumping station, it doesn't return the circuit. There is no circuit to crush the pumping station. Before crushing it, you must pick up the circuit, so it doesn't disappear when you crush the pumping station. I've left the report with its log in Discord. Thank you. | 55.01 | 2023-09-11 07:34:46 | |||
Aceitam uma sugestão, de alguém que está gostando muito deste jogo?Dentro do Heavy Hover, tem dois compartimentos de armazenamento de itens: um para itens pequenos, e o outro para o Capacete e garrafas de Oxigênio e CO2.Qual a possibilidade de termos a opção de repor as garrafas e capacetes? | 21.18 | 2023-09-11 02:28:53 | |||
bike disapeared after dismounting | 20.03 | 2023-09-11 01:31:53 | |||
I was planting potatoes and everything was fine until I upgraded the seeds and now I can't plant them. If I don't plant I will starve because the seed I have sucks lol. ' | 60.06 | 2023-09-11 00:44:32 | |||
I am having so much fun with this game except for one thing....the cursor it is this little bitty spot on my screen and sometimes it dissapears. Is there a way to make that spot bigger I have gone through the options and don't see anything that will work. I'm not sure if this is intentional or a bug but it makes attaching things very very hard and frustrating. | 59.99 | 2023-09-10 23:12:28 | |||
Forgott a Tablet in upper floor. After dismanteling a station i see it floating in the air but cant reach it | 60.06 | 2023-09-10 22:52:57 |