Emotion | Description | Screenshot | Fps | Created At | |
When placing multiple buildings to construct such as solar panels the orientation resets after each placement when placeing it multiple times. | 82.51 | 2024-09-05 04:27:15 | |||
no standart electronic card | 60.06 | 2024-09-05 04:03:28 | |||
Got the space forest acheivment while walking around the base in story mode before the incident during the spot robot quest. | 165.16 | 2024-09-05 03:57:51 | |||
physics bugs causing atv to fly into the air when plugged in and getting on to check charge | 62.58 | 2024-09-05 03:48:52 | |||
Built two well at the Alpha Base water site. Both wells producing water. You can fill yout tank from the front or the back. However when i hooked a pipe from the wells to my building nothing is happening. My building is dry and teh panels on the wells say that water is not being stored. I took the pipe off of one well and sure enough it said it was storing. I hooked the pipe to this well and the storage numbers simply disappeared and my building is still dry. No water to building, no potatoes, no eat, then die.' | 59.94 | 2024-09-05 03:08:31 | |||
When I go to select a map pin color, it would be nice if it showed in some fashion which colors are (not) already assigned to another pin. | 60.06 | 2024-09-05 02:17:53 | |||
Why can I not drop or destroy the "Wall Signs" I was forced to pickup in a supply drop? | 59.94 | 2024-09-05 02:08:43 | |||
EU REINICIEI UM NOVO JOGO MAS NÃO ATUALIZOU PARA V0.184.2 | 27.30 | 2024-09-05 01:57:17 | |||
When you open a supply drop, why do you have to take all? We should be able to loot specific items we want without touching the rest. | 60.06 | 2024-09-05 01:54:31 | |||
Why can we not open our inventory or the map while in a vehicle? Not even when stopped like what is done, for some reason, while attempting to leave a vehicle when it is moving... | 0 | 2024-09-05 01:50:00 | |||
Items are spawning under the floor long before getting grinder 3 | 122.90 | 2024-09-05 01:43:00 | |||
Marstruck PCB was damaged in meteor shower. After removing the PCB, the compartment that houses it continues to spark while there is not anything that needs repair. | 59.93 | 2024-09-05 01:36:22 | |||
getting stuck in TAB tablet screen, and cant get out. random, but lots of the times from the build tab | 0 | 2024-09-05 01:20:14 | |||
When repairing a tool, why does it take the same amount of time no matter what durability the item has? Instead of a fixed time for repair utilizing a secondary, out of place looking window in the bottom right, why is the bargraph depicting current durability not used and filled from current status? Same bar could be used for upgrades. Just start filling the bar graph from low durability to high with the preset colors. (Yellow, Orange, Red). Current tool tier could easily be used as current durabilty graph color. I.E. Starting tool (Tier 1) durability in yellow, upgraded to tier 2 with orange bar filling current bar, then upgrade to tier 3 overlays orange with red graph. | 29.96 | 2024-09-05 01:18:58 | |||
when you start a game the rover has no drill or welder, adding a place to build them would be good | 59.94 | 2024-09-05 01:06:24 | |||
yapılan görevler navigasyon sisteminden kalkmıyor | 8.56 | 2024-09-04 22:36:59 | |||
Can u make please those doors opens not so fast? Thank u :) | 60.06 | 2024-09-04 22:22:49 | |||
Ich habe jetzt ca 4 Stunden gespiel und hatte nicht sehr viel Spaß dabei :(viele alte Bugs sind wieder aufgetreten, das Stom managman ist irgendwie jetzt noch komplizierter und es erschließt micht auch nicht warum alles so schwer Ladet ( akkus) es kann doch nicht sein das der Truck aufeinmal nur 2 bis 3 % über den ganzen tag an strom läd? die Pumpensteuerung ist jetzt auch meines erachtens viel zu kompliziert geworden. Der Truck und auch Quad ist gefühlt wiedermal mega langsam... ich habe gesehn das elemente dazu gekommen sind die mich sehr erfreuen aber sonst habe ich zurzeit kein spaß am Spiel. Mag sein da ich das schon lange zocke das ich es auch schaffe zu überleben, aber zur zeit ist so so ähnlich wie im Prololog... es funktioniert nicht wirklich richtig, man ist stendig am rande zu sterben, die Basen liegen wiedermal viel zu weit auseinander.... die version 160.x machte mir persönlich mehr Spaß. Der Schwierigkeitsgrag mag für die Spieler die dieses Spiel schon lange spilen machbar, aber für einsteiger ist das einen Katastrophe. Ich glaube nicht das leute die dieses Spiel kaufen und Anzocken genauso Spaß haben wie ich es mal hatte. ich denke es wird genau das gegenteil auslösen, empörung, frustration, und sicherlich kein Spielspaß. Ich bleibe dran und verfolge es natürlich weiter. Aber gerade habe ich ehrlich gegesagt nach 4 Stunden mehr als genug von den neuerungen :( | 82.62 | 2024-09-04 22:05:12 | |||
W kapsule nie można zabrać butli z tlenem po napełnieniu. Kapsuła ma zasilanie 5 kW. | 72.09 | 2024-09-04 22:02:59 | |||
On the Rover, I wish you would get rid of the bar across the windshield as it blocks may view and is distracting. | 36.52 | 2024-09-04 21:53:57 |