Emotion | Description | Screenshot | Fps | Created At | |
I'm stuck on this screen. It won't let me leave it, no matter what I do. | 59.89 | 2024-09-06 11:07:33 | |||
ECU doesnt work solar panels and everything is connected | 154.70 | 2024-09-06 10:28:47 | |||
Circuit board in rover but doesnt work | 157.25 | 2024-09-06 10:24:16 | |||
Hi Guys, Love the game. Don't seem to be able to grind these lamp-posts. Is this intentional? | 40.01 | 2024-09-06 10:00:51 | |||
Le Desk ne fonctionne plus, impossible de réparer ou d'améliorer les outils, selection des objets impossible. | 119.88 | 2024-09-06 10:00:20 | |||
Le rechargement de la combinaison oar les prise s'arrète tout le temps, ce qui oblige à recommencer plusieurs fois pour charger complètement la combinaison. | 119.63 | 2024-09-06 09:09:49 | |||
Not able to aquire perks at the tech tree | 0 | 2024-09-06 08:49:59 | |||
cant skip | 60.06 | 2024-09-06 08:36:31 | |||
I went for a drive tonight to a new abandoned base, and got a tablet with ATV for the 4th time. This time I researched ATV right away, and I build one as soon as I got home. Now the Materials Tech Tree says "Blueprint Needed - ATV", yet I have ATV clearly researched, and I have constructed a new ATV. If I get a Tablet with ATV yet again, I will let you know. It still blows me away that no one else has reported these bugs with the Electronics Tech Tree. As I said in the forum, I do not use mods, and this game is as normal and basic an install as it gets. | 60.05 | 2024-09-06 08:35:40 | |||
Charging suit battery from a solar panel is being interrupted every few seconds. Please fix it. | 59.94 | 2024-09-06 08:33:24 | |||
text under "Ausdauer"=Stamina and "Müdigkeit"=Tiredness is in spanish in the german version | 0 | 2024-09-06 07:56:21 | |||
Ressourcen Abwurf Bergung nicht möglich. Ressourcen Abwurf liegt unter der Mars Oberfläche ca. Koordinaten: X -3827.99 Y 2484.82 bei eigentlich -38 Meter von der Mars Oberfläche gesehen. Somit ist es mir natürlich NICHT möglich den Ressourcen Behälter zu bergen. Bitte noch einmal Prüfen was da genau schief läuft das die Ressourcen Box nach Abwurf unter der Mars Oberfläche erst landet. Danke Resource drop recovery not possible. Resource drop is below the surface of Mars approx. coordinates: X -3827.99 Y 2484.82 actually at -38 meters from the surface of Mars. So of course it is NOT possible for me to recover the resource container. Please check again what exactly is going wrong that the resource box only ends up below the surface of Mars after being dropped. Thank you | 36.02 | 2024-09-06 07:14:19 | |||
While playing the escape sequence in the beginning as the base blew up, I've managed somehow to not be able to move my character at all. I can't move left , right, up, down, or jump and of course it's a timed sequence and so I just keep dieing. this is a terrible experience and I feel you guys need to lockout the campaign/story mode until it can be fixed. I mean I can't do anything at all. | 0 | 2024-09-06 06:11:17 | |||
Ładowanie skafandra z gniazdka małego panelu. Po testach ładowanie skafandra to 1% na każdą minutę gry - oznacza to, że aby naładować skafander np. z pozostałych 10%, potrzebujemy 1,5h na naładowanie do 100% - tak nie było w starszej wersji gry. W ten sposób tracimy grywalność :( a robimy z stego pełny survival. | 71.97 | 2024-09-06 05:47:36 | |||
Znalazłem szafę w jakiejś opuszczonej bazie. Są 3 hełmy - powinna być możliwość zabrania 1-3 hełmów z tej szafy. Przecież nie jest potrzebny prąd, aby podnieść przedmiot. To jest dziwne, że musi być napięcie szafy, aby była możliwość zabrania przedmiotów. Rozumiem, np. przebranie się, to ok - pomieszczenie musi mieć warunki, aby kolonista przebrał skafander lub hełm, ale zabranie hełmu, który jak wiemy niespodziewanie może zostać rozbity a tak się składa, że nie mamy zestawu naprawczego, ale jesteśmy blisko bazy, to wymieniamy na zapasowy :) taki, znaleziony. | 72.00 | 2024-09-06 05:16:05 | |||
Tutorial Mission :Evacuate the base - i keep finding myself stuck behind a set of cylinders marked as interactable, but do not seem to be able to interact | 6.66 | 2024-09-06 04:57:31 | |||
I cannot place the interactive boards in a spot that is useful to me to label where the corridor is going | 50.05 | 2024-09-06 03:01:54 | |||
estou com bastante energia e esta tudo escuro | 36.26 | 2024-09-06 02:36:51 | |||
The Transformer does not charge the Suit properly anymore . . . the charging stops after a seconf or two | 60.06 | 2024-09-06 02:28:44 | |||
right now every time I add to my base my oxygen dissapears. | 29.98 | 2024-09-06 01:45:18 |