Emotion | Description | Screenshot | Fps | Created At | |
hey can you guys lower the intensity the brightness of the visuals when going through the airlocks that bright light is so blinding it hurts it'd be great if you guys can like take that intensity down by 80% would be great please Thank you also this might be a problem for those who have light sensity Issues | 72.01 | 2024-09-28 14:27:56 | |||
ok so you know when you start to get tired and you guys have the heartbeat coming on at usually at the beginning of the word stamina I think that's a little too soon because III would take the heartbeat to something more serious and I think you should wait till the letter T before that kicks in now having you know higher respiration breathing great beginning at the stamina word that would probably be OK Because yes that would indicate that hey you're starting to get tired maybe you should be getting some sleep or you know wrapping shit up also hearing that heartbeat for so long becomes so annoying that I just turned the volume off because I just don't feel that it it fits in that length of time if I'm to listen to it specially if you're out and about and you ran into some difficulties in your you know running behind we all know shit happens well anyways thanks | 71.93 | 2024-09-28 14:27:04 | |||
A timer for how much time is left on and storms would be nice | 60.06 | 2024-09-28 13:37:42 | |||
The Big base is rebuild on loadin my save game. Rover stuck. | 30.33 | 2024-09-28 12:48:01 | |||
helmet cracks while inside capsuleand door is closed during a tornado | 60.06 | 2024-09-28 11:45:22 | |||
Infinite silica/ore again...? | 30.02 | 2024-09-28 10:32:01 | |||
wellll i just managed to get an infinite amount of silica from one little piece of rock/ore and it isnt being damaged and disappear as it should lol!!! | 29.82 | 2024-09-28 09:25:34 | |||
Przydałby się "prawo-klik" na slotach urządzeń w drukarce 3D kruszarki, tak aby wiedzieć ile energii potrzebują, żeby działać (chmurka, osobne okienko z tekstem). Za jednym zamachem, można byłoby wydrukować również panele, kilopower, ecu, baterie, przewody. | 48.00 | 2024-09-28 07:14:08 | |||
Antenna is stuck on "locked for 0 hours" it' has been a couple of days in game and one days real life (for context), i have also ben back to base to sleep and back and its still stuck | 71.98 | 2024-09-28 05:21:12 | |||
Can you turn off the flashing pickup background when grinding? It is really annoying. Also, sort the pick up items alphbetically. | 47.82 | 2024-09-28 03:58:56 | |||
I have full water and power but plants wont stop withering bug?? I rebuilt all wells and pumps powered and replaced hoses buildings read power and water wells read red for water but show production. What gives? | 60.00 | 2024-09-28 01:47:20 | |||
Character's hair does not show up on the tablet inventory screen with the helmet on | 0 | 2024-09-28 00:33:29 | |||
Po deszczu meteorów w powietrzu wisi sobie szklany walec. | 144.07 | 2024-09-27 21:00:14 | |||
Jak widać na zrzucie ekranu, mogę wyglądać przez ścianę modułu mieszkalnego. | 128.51 | 2024-09-27 20:56:02 | |||
I am going through an afternoon meteor storm on Sol 4 that has been several hours long (thankfully I had only planted two plants cause they are now dead). I'm hiding in my capsule and a meteor just killed me, claiming that my suit had an oxygen leak but the capsule itself took no damage. What gives? I wasn't outside and my helm was still on! | 62.11 | 2024-09-27 20:29:53 | |||
ich find das Spiel an sich ja cool aber das mit den Steine laden ist dumm | 60.08 | 2024-09-27 18:24:10 | |||
Porządkowałem swoje skrzynki do przechowywania w ten sposób, że każda zawierała tylko 2 elementy, np. mała rura + aluminium - po wczytaniu zapisu (ostatniego) mam wszystko tak, jak miałem przed uporządkowaniem a zapisałem grę przed wyjściem z niej. Tylko płytki, które przerzuciłem z ekwipunku do szafy są w box-ie na płytki i pendrive. Dlaczego gra nie zapamiętała przenosin do innych skrzynek materiałów? Wersja testowa z wyboru na Steam, baza ver. 0.185.0 (tak wyświetla na ekranie). | 47.99 | 2024-09-27 17:42:32 | |||
Can hear Big Crusher printing sound far away from it | 59.88 | 2024-09-27 17:36:15 | |||
Zastanawiam się, czy na Marsie jest złoto... może jako dodatkowy metal do wydobycia, uatrakcyjniłby grę o element poszukiwania samorodków - detektor już jest, tylko musiałby mieć tryb wykrywania złota :) Do tego mała rafineria do przetopu znalezionego złota w sztabki :-D i wysyłka rakietą handlową na Ziemię w zamian za nowe technologie, których nie ma drzewko umiejętności. | 48.03 | 2024-09-27 17:31:02 | |||
Hey can you add more velocity to dropping rocks so many times I see them floating in the air after I pick them up and move them or they just sit there and then 5 seconds later they slowly fall down like they're floating like a feather doesn't look like it's an environmental consistency again | 71.95 | 2024-09-27 13:48:16 |