Emotion | Description | Screenshot | Fps | Created At | |
It'll be nice when you are running around with the rover with the grapple on it you'll pick up or there are rocks out there that are just the right size just to pick up It'd be nice if you can make these small ones interactable with the grapple instead of having to go get the jackhammer and split it into four pieces to me that is just a lot of clicking for really no reason some are I would understand that you got a jackhammer with a crap out of it break it up but then there's some that are small enough that we should be able to grab pick up put into the box and move on to the next location as I like to clean my area up so it's nice and well debris free | 71.94 | 2024-09-27 13:46:41 | |||
For the big truck with the crane on it you guys need to redesign the crane don't understand why we have a zoom boom crane on it it should be actually crane with a jib as well on it because you know what it may make more sense when you're trying to grapple things is that only having really only a shoulder and an elbow the jib would be your wrist and make it a lot nicer to pick up rocks maybe be more immersion correct zoom boom style grapple crane doesn't seem practical on Mars | 72.01 | 2024-09-27 13:37:47 | |||
God the stupid drill on that big truck what a pain in the ass you should turn off the auto drilling until you click on the location that you want to to drill I destroy so much or because your system is so flawed Again you need someone to teach you guys how to understand how these things work in reality I doubt any of your programmers have any life experiences in Using trucks trailers grapples jackhammers drills you name it You guys need to find people that can give you some insight And how all the stuff works but again back to my point please give us the click option of our mouse to activate the drill when we are happy with what it is | 71.90 | 2024-09-27 13:33:09 | |||
can we please stop auto picking the grapple arm on the big truck and trailer it is annoying it should just automatically just go to the seat and hang there until you pick because I want the drill first and not the graffle first it's extra clicks that make the game just that much more a pain in the ass to play Fluidity is what you need to be looking at as well Maybe you guys need a real truck driver someone who's actually used this type of equipment Ie me for 30 years because yeah driving is not very consistent to reality | 71.92 | 2024-09-27 13:31:26 | |||
Okay So this is really stupid why is the character so out of shape I say this because as soon as the character jumps once it's huffing and puffing like it's been running a marathon like really not a very good immersion for our character And it's very distracting all when you hear huffing and puffing like crazy when really there's no need it'd be nice if you would change that | 71.96 | 2024-09-27 13:29:22 | |||
OMG you have to hot fix this chageing my suit is a big fat fing pain click no chage click and hold charge 1% them it stops grrrrrrr this should not have bneen messed with it work just fine in the last verion | 71.94 | 2024-09-27 13:24:38 | |||
OMG you have to hot fix this chageing my suit is a big fat fing pain click no chage click and hold charge 1% them it stops grrrrrrr this should not have bneen messed with it work just fine in the last verion | 71.92 | 2024-09-27 13:24:12 | |||
Jak powiesić gaśnicę na ścianie? Jeszcze nie miałem sytuacji, w której zapaliło się jakieś urządzenie, ale należy dmuchać na zimne i w ważnych pomieszczeniach mam gaśnice leżące na podłodze :( | 72.00 | 2024-09-27 11:48:32 | |||
Dodajcie w tym miejscu (kursor) do filtra CO2 gniazdo "tlen", które zbudowane w hangarze przekształcałoby dwutlenek węgla w tlen, który przez to gniazdo ładowałby ciężki łazik tlenem :) | 47.96 | 2024-09-27 11:45:47 | |||
nie wiem czy hackowanie anten działa. Któryś raz podchodzę do jednej i wszystkie kombinacje nie pasują. Ta antena jest niedaleko bazy | 7.50 | 2024-09-27 10:59:38 | |||
The auto pick up of rocks frequently drops them behind or under the trailer. | 48.88 | 2024-09-27 02:18:02 | |||
Hacking causes the regular cursor to disapear | 0 | 2024-09-27 01:55:07 | |||
No visible HUD/GUI in 3rd person mode, Backpack makes it hard to view stats as well | 59.89 | 2024-09-27 01:19:47 | |||
map will not zoom | 60.06 | 2024-09-27 00:00:16 | |||
Przydałby się jakiś komunikat/powiadomienie, że rakiet już nie ma w obronie meteorytowej i baza nie jest chroniona. | 72.07 | 2024-09-26 21:14:30 | |||
Pytanie. Czy możecie zmieniać coś w grze w trakcie naszej gry? Odnoszę wrażenie, że napisy ustawień panelu dla półki hydroponicznej i inkubatora były po angielsku a teraz są w ojczystym języku :) | 72.04 | 2024-09-26 20:59:58 | |||
Czy dron może szybciej latać w poziomie? Teraz wznoszenie jest dość szybkie, obracanie również (lewo-prawo), ale do przodu i do tyłu > to przesuwanie drona o centymetry. Proszę dodać funkcję lotu prawdziwego drona. | 48.05 | 2024-09-26 19:54:03 | |||
The place meteorite hit has a cheese wheel like transparent "object" floating above ground. can be seen from like 100m away i'm guessing. possibly intended to show player where meteorite hit | 115.23 | 2024-09-26 19:41:37 | |||
The pump station will only supply water at a rate equal to the slowest pump connected. For instance I have been experimenting a lot with this, Ok you have 6 wells, 5 of which can supply 6 L/hr each, one pump has two sabatiers on it so it can only supply 2 L/hr. The output of the pump (with one extension of course) is connected to a vertical tank or a large tank. You would think logically if 5 wells supplies 6 L/hr and one supplies 2 L/hr then you should be able to fill an external tank at 32 L/hr. What actually happens is if you try to push more than 2 L/hr into the external tank the well resevoirs start to drain and the external tank will never fill because the base it's connected to will eat every last drop as you can push into it. Also I believe if your base is using let's say 12 L/hr and somehow you were able to feed the external tank at 10000 L/hr it will still stay empty. I have even tried to feed each building with it's own water well to see if it helps but the map shows all buildings with no water but strangely enough the plants don't wilt. I think the problem is the base won't slow the water flowing into it to allow the tanks to fill and the pumps need to be able to combine the input with the output so you can achieve the maximum flow from all inputs on the output. Hope this helps. | 29.99 | 2024-09-26 19:03:45 | |||
Duża kruszarka > Mała kopalnia - składniki wszystkie, oprócz: pręt uranowy - powinien być składnik na liście, ale oznaczony gwiadką (*), wówczas wiedziałbym, że trzeba zabrać, aby zbudować. Teraz muszę wróćić do bazy i przyjechać, aby dokończyć budowę. | 71.95 | 2024-09-26 19:02:53 |