Emotion | Description | Screenshot | Fps | Created At | |
It was fun finding how to play but the grind to get there without knowing exactly what to do led me to dying from starvation. So I have to begin again do everything to grow food and perhaps not die again from starvation but something elese and start all over agin. That is no fun at all. | 59.93 | 2024-10-15 16:55:09 | |||
Game crashed after being paused for a while | 0 | 2024-10-15 16:14:42 | |||
I drop the Rocketcomponents for Meteordefense on the Marsground, the 3 Guide fins spawn mostly under the Ground and i cant find this Items to build on the Ground. If i can build the Rocket also into the Baseground, this were a good improvement. | 59.90 | 2024-10-15 15:41:24 | |||
when i try to charge my suit battery it say "bottle filling interrupted" and stop charge immediately | 75.05 | 2024-10-15 15:03:20 | |||
After I remove every piece of a deserted base by grinding them - the now empty spot still shows a base on the map. The map should update with the removal of the base by showing nothing. | 60.06 | 2024-10-15 14:55:19 | |||
Looking at the Stream Acheivements - "Thunderstruck - Get Struck by a Thunder???" What does it mean to "Get struck be a Thunder?" Did you mean Lightning? | 60.06 | 2024-10-15 14:51:42 | |||
Hi Guys, the solid rocket kit seems to be dropping parts (on this occasion fins) below the planets surface when placed on the ground to assemble. It doesn't happen every time, perhaps 1 in 3. | 30.02 | 2024-10-15 13:59:17 | |||
Please allow access to map, but also hopefully inventory and tech etc. from vehicles. | 60.00 | 2024-10-15 13:24:28 | |||
Solder tool and hot air is gone :S | 29.91 | 2024-10-15 12:01:59 | |||
When making Waterhose over long distance it look like two one straight to everything, and one like normal | 29.91 | 2024-10-15 11:33:54 | |||
After tornado destroyed some sections there is no longer information how much power and water is available. Also water tap does not work. Even in workshop that is directly connected to incoming water. | 29.96 | 2024-10-15 07:18:05 | |||
sugiro que vocês adicionem o modo cooperativo no game. pois vai ser muito útil | 60.00 | 2024-10-15 03:50:27 | |||
Jakbym nie próbował połączyć "Platformy startowej" ze śluzą - to zawsze jest "dziura/odstęp" pomiędzy śluzą a śluzą Platformy startowej. Próbowałem wyżej, niżej, z tunelami, łącznikami i "zawsze" jest odstęp (jak na zrzucie ekranu). Tylko budując "osobno" Platformę startową jestem w stanie do niej wejść, pod warunkiem oczywiście dostarczenia energii. Nawet wówczas mogę wejść tylko do pomieszczenia, w którym muszę uzupełnić: paczki z jedzeniem (135 szt) oraz metan, tlen, woda. Dalej są podwójne drzwi. Otwierają się pierwsze, ale drugie już nie. Dlaczego nie jest dopracowane połaczenie ze śluzamim tak abym mógł "przyłączyć" platformę startową do bazy? Dlaczego platforma startowa nie jest dopracowana do końca, tak abym mógł opóścić Marsa? Gdzie jest rakieta do platformy startowej? | 48.07 | 2024-10-14 19:18:44 | |||
The velocity of the rover, please....it`s like you`re in a tourtle travel...please increase a little bit more, like the truck for example | 30.00 | 2024-10-14 18:08:00 | |||
Hmm... a gdzie jest okrąg wokół mojej postaci na mapie? Teraz będziemy poruszać się po omacku... w ciemnościach? Wersja 0.185.1 | 0 | 2024-10-14 16:43:24 | |||
OK so i am a bit pissed. Even tho im not far in the game, whatever one i sent last time about the rock and crashing, and then it spread like a fuckin virus to the rover seat switch, well i loaded up game again today, i was able to get out of the seat, but the rover took circuit board damage, to which i tend proceeded to return to my base, a big crusher refinery, and try to craft one... to which the interaction with the menu fuckin CRASHHHEEEEDDDD everytime. SO THEN i out smart the shit, go to the truck, steal its medium board, go to interact with the rover, CRASSHHHHHH. Do it again, save prior to interacting with Rover, successful save and CRASSHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.. restart the walk again save on teh way intermittently , fine, then the ROVER IS DEAD destroyed, and THENNNNNN go to tab to pull out universal repair kit, CRASSHHHHH. fucking hell is this shit. Needless to say, i am pretty sure this started from some stupid ass rock with a viral infection and i didn't really have a problem until i was able to throw it in the big crusher and crushed it up. then shit spread everywhere i do. Gonna RESTARRRTTTTTT. Half tempted to just go back to the released version. This is newest beta btw.That the issue is on. | 120.12 | 2024-10-14 16:42:06 | |||
Hurrra! Znalazłem Krzem po przeskanowaniu około 50 skał za mną, a ta stała sobie tu, na uboczu - problem Krzemu, którego jest tak strasznie mało na całym Marsie, a przecież Mars składa się w 28% z krzemu. Bardzo dziwne... widocznie jest go cała masa, pod ziemią... szkoda, że nie mamy koparek lub możliwości drążenia tuneli w głąb Marsa - może wykopanie "krzemu" byłoby łatwiejsze, niż skanowanie dziesiątek skał w znalezieniu tej minimalnej ilości. Zastanawiam się (jeśli generowana jest topografia Marsa), to może od samego początku uzyskałem szansę 2,8% generowania krzemu (Seed), zamiast 28%, czyli w co czwartej skale powinienem znajdować krzem... a tak w co 40-tej, czyli zgadza się, ta skała była około 50-tą skałą, którą zeskanowałem i proszę >> jest Krzem. Szczęściarz ze mnie :/ | 47.97 | 2024-10-14 16:34:44 | |||
I znowu jestem "srebrny" - drugorzędny kolor. Wczoraj po raz kolejny (jak co dzień) zmieniam w Lobby na "czarny" - to jest irytujące - ile razy można zmiwniać dodatkowy kolor kombinezonu / skafandra? Jeśli dodatkowy kolor resetuje się i nie można go zapisać w pliku "Save", to zlikwidujcie dodatkowy kolor z "Szafy". Po co on tam jest, jeśli po uruchomieniu gry >> mam domyślny szary kolor... grrr... wrrr... $%h@#& i takie tam :/ | 72.01 | 2024-10-14 16:24:04 | |||
Sound issues tools. don't always make the sound eager. Grinder isn't grinding torches and torching. Jack Hammer isn't hammering, you know, so far. Not that it's a big issue for me, because when you're sitting there for 5 minutes and all you're hearing is you know, grinding well. it does get a bit of an annoying sound, but just thought I'd mention it. This is a reoccurrence from before the anniversary update and it's still happening in the anniversary update. So just doing Diligence as a reporter. | 71.98 | 2024-10-14 14:44:31 | |||
I would like to have an ability where we can adjust the brightness of our game, please. There are too many instances where you have a puff either smoke or atmosphere discharge and it is blinding and I mean blinding. It makes my eyes hurt so bad that I well, I turn the game off within an hour. So can we please have that option that we can lower the brightness and then maybe if you can lower the brightness as well of certain events that happen with the game, stuff like I just mentioned, the puffs of smoker atmosphere discharge when you're coming out of an error lock? Or the extra flash of light when you're grinding something or mining something, It'd be really nice to lower that intensity because it makes it really hard to play long time. When I sit down to play this game, I usually do it on the weekend where I have about 4 to 6 hours of my time set aside for this game because I do like it, even though it has a shit ton of bugs and game play issues. I'm still enjoying it to the most part, but please can we address some of these issues? Make it a little bit more user-friendly. Thank you. | 71.91 | 2024-10-14 14:43:29 |